Poetry and Homeric Similes

English I Honors students worked on the cyclops section, specifically looking at the use of…

November 12, 2019


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students worked on the cyclops section, specifically looking at the use of Homeric similes (see notes). We determined the “formula” for a Homeric simile, including the odd fact that the simile, unlike most other metaphorical examples, beings with the vehicle before moving to the tenor.

English 8 students began the poetry unit by looking at the poem “Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry.”

We’ll finish up tomorrow. (The notes above are not actually from class today.)


  • English 8: 
    • work on Quizlet vocab for the Q2 AOW;
    • work on IXL as needed (see Google Calendar for details).
  • English I Honors: 
    • write your own Homeric simile;
    • complete the phrase work by 22 November;
    • work on Quizlet vocab for the Q2 AOW;
    • work on IXL as needed (see Google Calendar for details).