First Quarter Extra Credit

You can add additional points to two of your three analytic essays on short stories…

September 30, 2019


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Mr. Scott

You can add additional points to two of your three analytic essays on short stories by doing the three following things:

  1. Correct your original paragraph. Make it perfect in every way.
  2. Write 1-3 additional paragraphs on one or more of the following topics:
    1. Compare/contrast “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays”
    2. Analyze “The Tell-Tale Heart” by using one of the three topics we applied to short stories
      1. setting/plot
      2. point of view/narrator
      3. symbolism/irony
  3. Write an analysis of your paragraphs in which you
    1. point out what went wrong with the original paragraph;
    2. explain how you fix it in your second paragraph;
    3. make a proposal as to how many points you want added to which assignment.

These three steps need to be applied separately for each of the two possible assignments you want to be corrected.