Voice and Assessments

English I Honors students began the day with a benchmark assessment for my required SLO…

September 16, 2019


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students began the day with a benchmark assessment for my required SLO (Student Learning Objective) documentation. It didn’t quite take all of the period, and students spent the remaining time assessing each other’s “Cask of Amontillado” paragraphs.

English 8 students completed our initial work on voice, taking all the work we’ve done for the last several days and compiling it into three groups that comprise voice:

  • diction
  • syntax
  • grammatical issues.

We’ll finish tomorrow before moving on.


  • English 8: 
    • work on AOW as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • work on AOW as necessary;
    • assess on Moodle as necessary;
    • work on Quizlet as necessary.


  1. I’m not sure on how i’m supposed to redo my paragraph on moodle, i won’t let me edit it

  2. You’ll just have to email it to me.