Voice and Perspective

English I students began the second analytic short story writing project today by thinking a…

September 10, 2019


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Mr. Scott

English I students began the second analytic short story writing project today by thinking a bit about perspective and point of view (“Where you stand determines what you see.”), which we accomplished with an odd-looking exercise.

Later, we went through the model selection for the next writing assignment, “In the Family.”

English 8 began looking at voice in Nightjohn, thinking about how Gary Paulsen manages to create a narrator in the novel that actually sounds like a slave.


  • English 8: work on AOW as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • read all the feedback from the “Dangerous Game” writing workshop;
    • re-read “In the Family”;
    • make notes about what specifically in the story confuses you.