Project Beginnings and Outline Work

English I Honors had an odd day since third period was not able to meet…

December 04, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors had an odd day since third period was not able to meet during the entire period without interruptions due to kids coming back from MAP testing. We watched a little of Romeo + Juliet while students filtered it, and then we followed the same pattern through fourth and sixth periods to keep everyone on the same page.  Afterward, we went over the RJ project.

English 8 students finished up practicing making an outline from an informational text with headers.


  • English 8: complete the work on outlining we began in class today.
  • English I Honors: 
    • read the prologue to act 2;
    • read 2.1, making sure you use No Fear Shakespeare to debrief this tricky scene, which we will not discuss at all in class.