Somebody Wanted But So and Tone

English 8, still learning how several in-class engagements work, did their first “Somebody Wanted But…

October 03, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English 8, still learning how several in-class engagements work, did their first “Somebody Wanted But So” post-reading engagement today. They worked on chapter 5 from Nightjohn, using SWBS to summarizing their reading.

English I Honors students began a several-day look at tone by examining Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.”


  • English 8: 
    • complete the SWBS for chapter 5 of Nightjohn;
    • work on IXL;
    • work on the article of the week as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • do some research on the poem and the poet’s father;
    • come up with one word to describe the speaker’s attitude toward the impending death of his father (and “mad” or “sad” are inadequate);
    • work on IXL;
    • work on the article of the week as necessary.

Standards for Today

English 8
  • RL-5.1 Cite the evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
English I Honors
  • RL-9.1 Determine the figurative and connotative meanings of words and phrases; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.