Socratic Seminars

Both English I students and English 8  students conducted Socratic Seminars today. English I students…

September 06, 2018


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Mr. Scott

Both English I students and English 8  students conducted Socratic Seminars today. English I students discussed the short story “In the Family,” which is the next story in our short story/writing about literature intro unit.

English 8 students discussed the first chapter of Nightjohn, the novel we’re reading.


  • English 8: 
    • complete the chapter one work as necessary (on Google Classroom);
    • continue the article of the week as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • continue assessing the first analytic Schaffer paragraph;
    • re-read “In the Family” (at Moodle) as you think about the question, “How do we know that any of the events in the narrative actually happen?” After all, they are so far-fetched that there might be different explanations buried in the text. Find evidence for any of your theories.

Standards for Today

English 8
  • C-1.1 Prepare for and engage in conversations to explore complex ideas, concepts, and texts; build coherent lines of thinking.
  • C-1.2 Participate in discussions; share evidence that supports the topic, text, or issue; connect the ideas of several speakers and respond with relevant ideas, evidence, and observations.
  • C-1.3 Apply effective communication techniques based on a variety of contexts and tasks.
  • C-1.4 Engage in a range of collaborative discussions about grade appropriate topics; acknowledge new information expressed by others and when necessary modify personal ideas.
English I Honors
  • C-1.1 Gather information from print and multimedia sources to prepare for discussions; draw on evidence that supports the topic, text, or issue being discussed; and develop logical interpretations of new findings.
  • C-1.2 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners; build on the ideas of others and express own ideas clearly and audience.