Quote Integration and Unit Conclusion

English 8 students concluding the introductory ROCK unit by looking at how kindness can appear…

August 27, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English 8 students concluding the introductory ROCK unit by looking at how kindness can appear in the classroom. We’re done with the bookkeeping stuff; now it’s time to get serious.

English I Honors students worked on integrating quotes into their writing, which will be required for CDs in future paragraphs.

We’ll be using this skill all year.

For students who were absent or left early today, the process is detailed in this video. (I’m not sure the audio was recorded. If you have questions, see me at the beginning of the day tomorrow.)


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: complete the fourth and final example of quote integration from the handout today; reread “The Most Dangerous Game,” thinking in terms of what cannot be changed in the short story without affecting the plot.