Post-Testing Monday

The smoke has cleared and we made it through a week of testing. Today English…

May 07, 2018


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Mr. Scott

The smoke has cleared and we made it through a week of testing.

Today English I Honors students wrapped up their work on phrases by looking at how to use phrase fluence to join sentences. We also continued looking at motifs in Great Expectations.

English 8 students continued with The Diary of Anne Frank, making it through 1.4 today.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • continue working on the practice EOC tests on Moodle;
    • read chapters 31-40 of Great Expectations by Thursday;
    • complete on the questions for chapters 21-30 by Thursday;
    • join these sentence pairs into single sentences:
      • He was sitting at a table. The table was covered with papers.
      • Who is that girl? She is dancing with your brother.
      • She had lost much blood. She became unconscious.
      • I failed my engineering exams. I took up cheating.