Friday Work and Socratic Seminar

English I Honors students had a Socratic Seminar about the minor characters we have encountered…

March 02, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students had a Socratic Seminar about the minor characters we have encountered so far. Students arranged the characters in a moral hierarchy, then worked to argue their cause in a Socratic Seminar.

  • Mr. Dolphus Raymond
  • Miss Maudie
  • Aunt Alexandra
  • Reverend Sykes
  • Judge Taylor
  • Bob Ewell
  • Mayella Ewell
  • Heck Tate

English 8 students worked on their normal Friday inference/TDA work.


  • English 8: work on Inference Practice 6 as necessary. (It will be due next Friday.)
  • English I Honors: as stated on Wednesday (though not put on the website due to a faculty meeting, which made it impossible to update the site), students need to be through chapter 20 by Monday. Many students should be close to complete since we had a reading day all class Thursday.