Voice and Friday Work

English I students worked on voice and tone in the opening pages of To Kill a…

February 09, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English I students worked on voice and tone in the opening pages of To Kill a Mockingbird. We began examing the first pages to determine the presence of certain stylistic characteristics:

  1. Long sentences
  2. Diversions
  3. Dated language
  4. Folksy-sounding language
  5. Exaggeration/embellishment
  6. Understatement/deprecation

We also looked at several topical issues:

  1. Importance of family
  2. Sense of community
  3. Importance of religion
  4. Importance of time, place, and the past

English 8 students picked up their Friday work again, with this quarter’s minimum word count increasing to 150 words.
