Project Work and Presentations

English I Honors students began working on their first song for the soundtrack project: “Decoration…

December 18, 2017


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students began working on their first song for the soundtrack project: “Decoration Day.” We planned three Schaffer paragraphs (of which we will be writing two) and worked in partners fleshing things out a bit further.

Notes from class are available below for download.

English 8 students presented their habits from Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • read Romeo and Juliet 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 over break;
    • optional: work on “Decoration Day” paragraphs.
Class Notes

Notes for the day's classes are available here.

Please note that this is a composite file including notes from all classes, though occasionally it might only be one or two classes. I don't differentiate in the file; that is up to you to do.

Standards for Today

English 8
  • RI-6.1 Provide an objective summary of a text with two or more central ideas; cite key supporting details to analyze their development.
  • C-1.1 Prepare for and engage in conversations to explore complex ideas, concepts, and texts; build coherent lines of thinking.
  • C-1.2 Participate in discussions; share evidence that supports the topic, text, or issue; connect the ideas of several speakers and respond with relevant ideas, evidence, and observations.
English I Honors
  • RL-5.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text; identify multiple supported interpretations.
  • RL-8.1 Analyze how characters or a series of ideas or events is introduced, connected, and developed within a particular context.
  • W-1.1 a. Write arguments that introduce a precise claim and differentiate between the claim and counterclaims;
  • W-1.1 g. Write arguments that quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation;