Finishing Up and Schaffer Planning

English 8 students worked on their article of the week assignment, learning a bit more…

August 24, 2017


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Mr. Scott

English 8 students worked on their article of the week assignment, learning a bit more about how to annotate the text.

They also had a chance to work on Moodle again, learning their way around the program.

English I Honors students started applying their newly-formed Schaffer wizardry to prewriting.

Journalism students worked on how to interview people, a critical skill for the class.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the Schaffer prewriting from class (X [friend] is ______ [character trait]). Plan the CDs with the TS.
    • Go to the Moodle site (user name is: first.last (first name followed by last name, with no spaces but with a period instead–and if students have a hyphenated last name, the account only includes the first part; password is “changeme”) and figure out how to turn in the electronic version of the introductory essay at the “Intro to English I Honors” unit.