Workshop and Effective Readers

English 8 students began a text on slave codes (available here) in anticipation of our…

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Mr. Scott

English 8 students began a text on slave codes (available here) in anticipation of our first novel, Nightjohn. We also began our year-long use of effective readers’ skills (download here) with the slave codes text.

English I Honors students began their first online workshop experience via Moodle. Students will be assessing each other in order to provide future feedback.


  • English 8: work on the article of the week, due tomorrow, as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • turn in your piece on “Harrison Bergeron” or “The Most Dangerous Game” at the Moodle site if you have not already (you have only until 5:00-ish this evening as it was to be done for class);
    • begin assessing (after 5:00 when the workshop phase has been switched back to “Assess”).