English 8 Strategies continued with their MAP review, practicing again with some figurative language practice. We’ll finish up tomorrow before having a bit of review for a small test (covering the review material) we’ll be having on Monday.
English 8 Studies had a second day of literature circles. Students discovered the difficulty of working in lit circles when everyone has not done their assigned roles. Hopefully tomorrow will be more successful.
(All English 8 students (fourth and fifth periods) were given missing work reports.)
English I Honors continued with the Odyssey, looking for more evidence regarding whether or not Odysseus is a hero. We’ll be recording our data on a Moodle forum.
- English 8:
- continue working on your article of the week;
- read passage decided upon by your group;
- complete the discussion preparation for tomorrow’s session.
- English I Honors:
- continue working on your article of the week;
- read the cyclops selection in the close readers I handed out today (pages 97-112);
- continue recording evidence about Odysseus’s hero status (or lack thereof) online;
- continue working on the Romeo and Juliet project, which is due Friday.