
English 8 Strategies students today continued with the model story “Tears of Autumn” as we…

May 04, 2015


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English 8 Strategies students today continued with the model story “Tears of Autumn” as we begin our final unit, a STEAM unit in which all teachers will be working together on a theme of immigration and movement.

Fourth period English I Honors students began the next writing assignment on chapters 7 and 8 of Lord of the Flies. Sixth period English I Honors students finished up a final day of preparation before switching groups in their jigsaw activity.

As a note, I will be absent through 18 May for medical reasons. This will represent the final update until then.


  • English I Honors: 
    • all students:
      • look at the “End of Course Exam” unit to download the necessary vocabulary documents;
      • take the practice test as many times as humanly possible (or until you’ve memorized it!);
    • fourth period students:
      • complete the “Conch Shell” writing assignment by this evening at midnight;
      • assess the same writing assignment by Friday.

1 Comment

  1. Really going to miss your updates and you while you’re gone. Hope all goes well and you feel better soon!!!