Writing, 24, and the Pig’s Head

English I Honors students in fourth period began a close examination of chapter twenty-four, a…

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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students in fourth period began a close examination of chapter twenty-four, a chapter that initially seems to have very little action but in fact is one of the most fascinating and critical chapters in the novel. We’ll continue our close look tomorrow.

Sixth period English I Honors students had split duty: students who failed to read through chapter eight of Lord of the Flies read. Those who had completed the homework started the work for the next writing assignment.

English 8 Strategies students had their usual Friday writing session, and I conferenced with as many students as possible during that time.


  • English I Honors: 
    • fourth period:
      • re-read chapter twenty-four by Monday and be prepared to answer these questions:
        • Who is J. Grimes Everett?
        • What did Miss Maudie mean when she said, “His food doesn’t stick going down, does it?” Who is the “his” in this passage?
        • What are the Mrunas?
      • complete the work from class today.
    • sixth period: turn in the third topic regarding authority, the conch, and Stanley Milgram’s experiment. (This was originally due tonight but will be actually due Saturday at midnight.)