
Today turned out to be a bit of a catch-up day for most classes, though…

November 07, 2014


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Mr. Scott

Today turned out to be a bit of a catch-up day for most classes, though it wasn’t initially planned to be such. English 8 Strategies went over some homework we were supposed to cover Wednesday but that got pushed to today because of the availability of the computer lab. English I Honors students had a quiz, went over the study guide for 1.1, then looked briefly at 1.2 and 1.3. Sixth period was able to go over the sonnet rubric, but I didn’t get to it in fourth period. Those students need to go ahead and look at the rubric this weekend.


  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the study guide for 1.2 and 1.3;
    • continue working on the sonnet.