Trust and Assessment

English I Honors students began the third story and analytic topic, which is the question…

September 05, 2014


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students began the third story and analytic topic, which is the question of the trustworthiness of narrators in stories. We read and briefly analyzed “In the Family.”

English 8 Strategies completed a formal assessment of their understanding of the Schaffer writing model.

Creative writing students continued writing and conferencing,.


  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the second analytic Schaffer paragraph, which is the character analysis of either Roger or Mrs. Jones from “Thank You, Ma’am”;
    • reread “In the Family,” looking for evidence for the following questions: Who is the narrator? Can we trust the narrator?


  1. Mr. Scott –
    I am very interested in discussing the topics from class with my child. Is there an online source for the textbook ( english one honors), so that I may skim the selections that you all read?
    Jill Rothstein

  2. Yes, there is a way, but I don’t know offhand all the details. I’ll check into it this week and send the information home with your child.