Heroes and Commas

Today of first and fourth periods we started the group work with The Hero with A…

February 25, 2014


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Mr. Scott

Today of first and fourth periods we started the group work with The Hero with A Thousand Faces. We’re trying to look at the meaning of the text and how it relates to The Odyssey. We’ve started by paraphrasing the passage we have and then we’ll be working in groups to order the passages.

Second and seventh periods almost completed the short Flowers-for-Algernon-based grammar review by looking at commas, practicing organizational skills and note taking along the way.


  • English I Honors: 
    • plan the modified Schaffer paragraphs on your favorite memory;
    • complete vocabulary work from today’s passage.


  1. Mr. Scott, For the vocabulary, did we just have to write the word, or the definition as well?

  2. Both.