Point of View and Effective Readers

Today first and fourth periods did a Socratic Seminar on “The Cask of Amontillado” discussing…

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Today first and fourth periods did a Socratic Seminar on “The Cask of Amontillado” discussing if the story had to be in first person and if the narrator can be trusted. Notes from the discussion follow:

First Period Big Board Notes
  • First person P.O.V.
  • Makes story more detailed
  • Doesn’t show reason of killing
  • Biased opinion
  • Narrator
  • Narrator can’t be trusted because we don’t know what he did
  • Narrator can be trusted because he is said to have no reason to lie
  • Left out key information
Fourth Period Big Board Notes
  • any thing other than 1st would reveal others opinions
  • feel like your in the story when in 1st person
  • cant trust the narrator
  • could not be telling the full story
  • could be blackmailing
  • has to be in 1st person
  • in 1st person the narrator always wants to look good
  • we don’t know why this happened
  • what did Fortunado do to Montresor

Second and seventh periods finished up the introductory work to “Effective Readers’ Skills” before moving onto the main selection of the quarter, Nightjohn.


  • English I Honors: reread “The Cask of Amontillado” if needed.