Characterization and New Beginnings

Today in class first and fourth periods worked on identifying direct and indirect characterization. We…

September 05, 2013


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Mr. Scott

Today in class first and fourth periods worked on identifying direct and indirect characterization. We pulled examples from “The Old Man at the Bridge” and analyzed them to see if the author used indirect or direct characterization. Our focus standard was RL.9-10.3: “Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.”

Second and seventh periods began a new unit, the first major unit of the year. We looked at illiteracy in the world and read Thank You, Mr. Falker as an introduction to the unit. (The reason for the stress on literacy will become obvious later.) Our main standard focus was on citing the text as evidence of a claim.


1 Comment

  1. My job was hard because people were talking so quietly during the dicussion,but it got very interesting towards the end of class