Changes in Point of View and Characterization

First and fifth periods began with another choice journal topic (number five) continued looking at…

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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods began with another choice journal topic (number five) continued looking at point of view, examining the differences between a text originally in third person that they had transformed for homework into a first person text.

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First and fifth period notes

We finished up by working on Magic_Squares vocabulary work for Monster, our anchor text for the fourth quarter.

Second and fourth periods, with so many students out for the Beta Club field trip, continued with a more-relaxed-than-usual pace. We returned to the question of characterization, looking additionally at topics we first covered in the first quarter about methods of characterization and types of characters.

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Second and fourth period review notes

Students worked in groups to create and re-create/revise word splashes from yesterday, adding today the question of characterization method and character type.

  • First and fifth periods: complete the Magic_Squares vocabulary work from class.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • continue reading Great Expectations (you’ll need to be through chapter 40 by Tuesday);
    • continue working on the Lord of the Flies self-study.