Miss Havisham and Choices

First and fifth periods continued with the new unit on choices. We’ll soon be shifting…

April 12, 2013


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Miss Havisham

First and fifth periods continued with the new unit on choices. We’ll soon be shifting to an extended reading assignment that deals directly and specifically with choices.

Second and fourth periods went over the most memorable character of the year, Miss Havisham of Great Expectations. Students worked to do a close reading of the text describing Havisham and used it to draw annotated portraits of her.

  • First period: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • continue working on the Lord of the Flies self-study;
    • complete chapter 10 by Monday (you’ll be reading to chapter 15 by Tuesday, so you might want to read ahead);
    • complete the annotated portrait (as necessary).
  • Fifth period: write a single Schaffer paragraph about one of the eight topics under discussion in class today. You may choose to write a) the considerations of a choice or b) the importance of a choice for one of the four choice topics we discussed in class:
    1. A meal at a restaurant
    2. One’s friends
    3. One’s pet
    4. One’s car