Scene One Down with Courage

First and fifth periods began making generalizations from earlier work. We’re working to create a…

January 07, 2013


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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods began making generalizations from earlier work. We’re working to create a general definition of “courageousness” to see if we can apply it to some historical figures. From the specific scenarios we worked on Friday, we began today to construct a general definition. We’ll be continuing this work tomorrow.

First and fifth period's notes

First and fifth period’s notes

First period's criteria

First period’s criteria

First period's analysis of Anne Frank

First period’s analysis of Anne Frank

Fifth period's criteria

Fifth period’s criteria

Second and fourth periods began by completing the scene one study guide. We then took a thorough look at the first scene before watching a BBC production of the same.

  • First and fifth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods: read act one, scene two.