First and fifth periods finished and abbreviated viewing of The Diary of Anne Frank. Probably not the most uplifting way to finish out the week before a long break, but hopefully students return home thankful for their freedom and admiring those who fought to keep their own.
Second and fourth periods had a second and final day of working on their sonnets. When we return from break, we’ll be doing the heavy lifting, so to speak: we’ll be starting Romeo and Juliet.
- First and fifth periods: study for the unit test on The Diary Anne Frank.
- Second and fourth periods:
- complete the poetry anthology project (this must be completed by this Friday 21 December);
- complete the sonnet;
Please be aware, second and fourth period students, that in the sonnet template above, there is one element missing: scansion. Remember that the second version of your sonnet needs to have scansion added, as in the example below.

Shakespearean sonnet with scansion