Tone and Gifts

First period began act one, scene five of The Diary of Anne Frank. As fifth period…

December 03, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First period began act one, scene five of The Diary of Anne Frank. As fifth period did Friday, we examined the gifts Anne gives the various inhabitants of the Secret Annex.

First period's initial notes

First period’s initial notes

Second and fourth periods continued looking at the question of tone in a poem. We looked at two poems by Billy Collins:

  • “Forgetfulness”
  • “The Lanyard”

Additionally, we looked at the tonal shift that often occurs in a poem and which generally corresponds with the poem’s lyric moment.

Final lines of "The Lanyard"

Final lines of “The Lanyard” annotated

Fifth period finished up act one from The Diary of Anne Frank; they’re one day ahead of first period.

  • First period: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • complete the tone chart for “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”
    • continue working on poetry anthology project. (Please note: a rubric has been added.)
  • Fifth period:
    • finish reading act one (there’s only one page remaining);
    • answer questions 1-6 on page 832