Dussel Develops Along with Poetry

First period continued with the Anne Frank project, with group two presenting their work. The…

November 27, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First period continued with the Anne Frank project, with group two presenting their work. The students added information to their Character Development chart about Mr. Dussel, practicing the art of backing an argument with textual evidence.

Second and fourth periods continued working with poetry, looking closely at Billy Collins’s “Introduction to Poetry.

Fifth period continued with the Anne Frank project.

  • First period
  • Second and fourth periods: begin working on the poetry anthology project. Each student is required to make 10 entries representing at least 5 different poets. I encourage students either to check out a good poetry anthology from a library or to use one of the following sites:
  • Fifth period: find two pieces of textual evidence from today’s presentation (pages 813, 14) that support the claim that Mr. Dussel is formal.