Planning, Nightjohn, and Connections

First period finished up chapter five from Nightjohn. We explored cause and effect, looking at…

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Mr. Scott

First period finished up chapter five from Nightjohn. We explored cause and effect, looking at the broader causes of the act of sheer brutality that ended chapter five.

Notes from first period

Fifth period took a look outside of the book at a contemporary event that resonates with the themes of Nightjohn. We used the “Someone Wanted But So” engagement afterward to check our comprehension.

Notes from sixth period

Second and fourth periods spent a final day planning the final essay for the short story project.

Student annotating “The Tell-Tale Heart”

  • First period: none
  • Second and fourth periods: work on final essay.
  • Fifth period:
    • complete “Taliban” row for  “Someone Wanted But So”;
    • add one more row with a new “Someone.”