Schaffer Planning and a Test

First and fifth periods worked on using the Schaffer model to plan a final culminating…

September 05, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods worked on using the Schaffer model to plan a final culminating essay for this year’s first unit. Notes for each class follow:

We’ll do group work tomorrow for the second paragraph.

Sixth period working on paragraph planning

Second and fourth periods had a test on the parts of speech, including the following essay question:

Write a brief essay in which you explore the ambiguities inherent in labeling parts of speech. Provide clear examples. For extra credit (5-10 pts), use the Schaffer model for organization.

We’ll continue Schaffer work tomorrow in all classes.


No homework for any classes today. Fifth period can finish the commentary for the first paragraph, but we’ll have time to do so in class tomorrow.