Inferring, Finishing, a Test, and Word Ratings

First period continued with “Flowers for Algernon.” We continued practicing with inferring, discussing the previous…

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Mr. Scott

First period continued with “Flowers for Algernon.” We continued practicing with inferring, discussing the previous night’s homework.

Second and fourth periods finished Great Expectations. We saw three different endings: the published ending, Dickens’s original ending, and a highly altered film ending.

Sixth period had a test on The Giver.

Seventh period worked on connotation regarding bias. We examined the following word groups to order them according to connotation:

  1. student, apprentice, disciple, junior, learner, novice, scholar, undergraduate
  2. run, amble, bound, dart, dash, gallop, lope, scamper, sprint
  3. vacation, break, fiesta, furlough, holiday, intermission, layoff, recess, respite, sabbatical
  4. busy, active, diligent, employed, occupied, perservering, unavailable, employed
  5. fear, dread, apprehension, anxiety, panic, terror
  6. friend, companion, buddy, acquaintance, colleague, playmate
  • First period:
    • read the “Algernon” entry from May 20 (pg 331);
    • add one more inference from yesterday’s inference homework.
  • Second and sixth periods: none (unless you haven’t finished Great Expectations).
  • Sixth period: none.
  • Seventh period: define words agreed upon by your group.