Inferring, Generalizing, and Identifying

First period began with more work on commas and apostrophes. We also looked at more…

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Mr. Scott

First period began with more work on commas and apostrophes.

We also looked at more practice PASS tests, as did sixth period.

We made more progress on “Flowers for Algernon,” still focusing on inferring.

Second and fourth periods continued with Great Expectations. We’re dividing our time between reading and viewing the BBC presentation from 1999.

Sixth period finished The Giver. We looked at three options for interpreting the ending.

We also began an short culminating activity that attempts to encapsulate the whole of the novel in a single word — much more difficult than one might think, especially when I precluded some key words and ideas.

  • First period: add five items to the ABC Rewrite for “Algernon.”
  • Second and fourth periods: consult reading schedule.
  • Sixth period: read Lowery’s Newberry Award acceptance speech (pg 170 in book).
  • Seventh period: none.