Commas, Research, History, and Propaganda

First period finished up the comma review based on “Flowers for Algernon.” We looked at…

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Mr. Scott

First period finished up the comma review based on “Flowers for Algernon.” We looked at commas to set off items in a series,

commas with appositives, and

commas to set off introductory clauses/phrases.

Second and sixth periods presented the information that they’ve collected over the last 300 pages of Great Expectations about common motifs. We used this information to chose topics for our coming research blitz.

Sixth period read the most shocking chapter in The Giver, and we discussed as a class the choices the authors made about that chapter.

Seventh period finished up an online lesson on propaganda.

  • First and seventh periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods: consult reading guide.
  • Sixth period: find two examples of euthanasia. The first example must be historical; the second example must be contemporary.