German Antisemitism, Redaction Work, and Problem Solving

First and sixth periods looked at an article about rising antisemitism in Germany to explore…

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Mr. Scott

First and sixth periods looked at an article about rising antisemitism in Germany to explore non-textual elements of online sources and practice effective readers’ skills again. I actually provided an altered version of the article (available here) that incorporated a review of the skills we used yesterday.

Second and fourth periods worked on redacting their selected scenes from Romeo and Juliet. “Mr. Scott, this is hard!” was the common refrain, to which I replied, “Well good — I don’t want anything in here to be easy because you wouldn’t improve!”

Seventh period looked at the steps of solving a problem and looked at how Brian, the protagonist of Hatchet, applied the steps.

  • First and sixth period: complete the BBC article’s effective readers’ skills questions (11-19).
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • quiz on act three is Monday — study;
    • first song draft is due Monday.
  • Seventh period:
    • choose one of the problems Brian solved (from the chart in class today);
    • analyze how Brian employed the problem solving steps we practiced in class today.