Final Research, Project Start, and Brian’s Change

First and sixth periods (see below) had a final bit of research time for the…

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Mr. Scott

First and sixth periods (see below) had a final bit of research time for the Holocaust. We’ll go over what we learned tomorrow, then begin the diary Friday.

First Period at Work

Students from Sixth Period Researching

More images in the gallery.

Second and sixth periods began working on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack project, looking at a song as a class and determining how it could be connected to the play.

Seventh period looked at the question of how Brian has changed in the novel Hatchet. We used the “Written Discussion” engagement to have a very effective class discussion.

  • First and sixth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods: make sure you’ve selected both your difficult and easy soundtrack song within the next couple of days.
  • Seventh period: none.