Introductions, the Balcony Scene, Sensory Writing

First and sixth periods looked at the introductions of several novels to discover the qualities…

January 18, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First and sixth periods looked at the introductions of several novels to discover the qualities of a compelling introduction. After a presentation of introduction strategies, we worked on determining which types of introductions would be most effective in our ballad essay.

Second and fourth periods acted out the most famous scene in theater: 2.2 from Romeo and Juliet, the famous balcony scene.

In doing so, students learned a bit about Romeo’s character and Juliet’s reasonableness.

Seventh period practiced using sensory details in descriptive writing, describing the picture below, a scene very much like the location Brian finds himself in Hatchet.

Afterward, we reviewed chapters 7-9 with a quick quiz bowl-type activity.

  • First and sixth period: do some research and find two more types of poems (like a ballad or haiku) that has very strict compositional requirements.
  • Second and fourth period: re-read 2.2, making note of imagery of light and dark.
  • Seventh period:
    • complete the in-class writing (sensory details; see above);
    • read chapter 10 from Hatchet.