Paraphrasing Poetry

First period worked on paraphrasing as part of the process of understanding tricky poems. We…

December 14, 2011


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First period worked on paraphrasing as part of the process of understanding tricky poems. We paraphrased the poem “Silver” in class.

Second and fourth periods had a quiz on tone words and then looked at the role ambiguity plays in poetry.

Sixth period went over the paraphrasing homework, only to discover we didn’t quite understand paraphrasing. We spent the majority of the class working out what we need to do to paraphrase.

Seventh period reviewed for tomorrow’s test on the poetry unit after doing a bit more work with paraphrasing.

  • First period: paraphrase the first four lines of “Your Life.”
  • Second and fourth periods:
  • Sixth period: re-do the homework from yesterday.
  • Seventh period: study for tomorrow’s poetry test. The material you’ll be responsible for is listed below.

    Additionally, you’ll be responsible for the poems we read in class:
    • “The Rider” by Naomi Nye
    • “Sea” by Williams Jay Smith
    • The three haiku by Buson
    • “Life” by Naomi Madgett
    • “The Courage that My Mother Had” byย  Edna St. vincent Millay
    • “Loo-Wit” by Wendy Rose
    • “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes
    • “The Cremation of Sam McGee” by Robert Service
    • “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout” by Shel Silverstein
    • “Weather” by Eve Meriam
    • “One” by James Barry
    • “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe