Poetry, Short Stories, and Research

First period began “Tears of Autumn,” looking at the importance of setting. Second and fourth…

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Mr. Scott

First period began “Tears of Autumn,” looking at the importance of setting. Second and fourth periods continued their research for the Scottsboro Boys trial paper. SIxth period read “Charles” while thinking about the effect point of view has on a narrative. Seventh period continued working with figurative language, reading “The Courage That My Mother Had” and “Loo-Wit.”

  • First period: complete “Tears of Autumn.”
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • continue with research;
    • prepare final draft of propaganda business letter.
  • Sixth period:
    • finish reading “Charles”;
    • locate three more places in the narrative that the narrator seems unreliable or biased (giving only one side of the story).
  • Seventh period:
    • re-read “Loo Wit” (page 539);
    • find one simile, one metaphor, and one example of personification.