Poetry, Chapter 24, and Exposition

First and sixth periods worked on “Raymond’s Run” and exposition, looking for the moment the…

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Mr. Scott

First and sixth periods worked on “Raymond’s Run” and exposition, looking for the moment the story’s conflict becomes clear. We’ll finish up the story tomorrow.

Second and sixth periods did a Write Around dealing chapter twenty-four from To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s a chapter that seems initially to be out of place, having very little to do with the rest of the book.

Seventh period worked on poetry, going over concrete poetry and haikus.

  • First and sixth periods: make three predictions about “Raymond’s Run” about the following topics (For each prediction, write at least two sentences explaining what in the text might back up such a prediction):
    • Raymond
    • Squeaky
    • The relationship between Squeaky and Gretche
  • Second and fourth periods: read through chapter 28.
  • Seventh period: choose one of the haikus we read in class and draw a single picture to illustrate it.