Propaganda, Documentation, and Reading Skills

First and sixth periods went over plagiarism and how to avoid, specifically looking at what…

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Mr. Scott

First and sixth periods went over plagiarism and how to avoid, specifically looking at what we’ll need to do in order to document our online resources.

Second and fourth periods continued with the short propaganda unit that we’re working on in conjunction with the completion of the Odyssey project. Today we covered four more propaganda techniques, making a total of seven techniques:

  1. Transfer
  2. Testimonial
  3. Glittering Generalities
  4. Bandwagon
  5. Plain Folks
  6. Name Calling
  7. Card Stacking

Seventh period came close to finishing up a series of exercises on using context clues to figure out what words mean based on context clues. We also went over some skills effective readers use in reading tricky texts.


  • First and sixth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • work on Odyssey project;
    • study for phrase test Monday;
    • find one example of Bandwagon, Plain Folks, or Name Calling propaganda.
  • Seventh period: