A Test and Some Conferencing Practice

Second and fourth periods had their parts of speech review test. The glazed eyes and…

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Mr. Scott

Second and fourth periods had their parts of speech review test. The glazed eyes and moans suggested students felt they’d done poorly on the test, but my initial evaluations indicate they may be exaggerating a bit.

First and sixth periods had a bit more work with the writing workshop format and teacher-student conferencing.

  • First and sixth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • read pages 4, 5, 8, and 9 in the textbook;
    • take notes on handout (download here — login required).


  1. Hey Mr. Scott. I read the pages for homework and I have the worksheet. But, these pages dont talk about any of the types of characters, narrators, symbolism, or anything like that. Since there not there, we aren’t supposed to take notes on those, right?

  2. That’s the logical inference, isn’t it?

  3. Yeah.