World War II Research Resources

Steps for today’s World War II research project. Before you begin, make sure you read…

April 25, 2011


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Mr. Scott

Steps for today’s World War II research project. Before you begin, make sure you read all the steps and understand them.

  1. Find ten facts about World War II. Record them in a numbered list on a sheet of notebook paper as you find them. Each fact has to be different: do not include three facts about Anne Frank, for example.
  2. As you are recording your facts, keep in mind that you will have to record the five most interesting facts on this site. Notice that you have to record the address of the site on which you found them. So as you are searching, I suggest opening web sites in new tabs or new windows. (To do this, right-click on the link and then choose “Open in New Tab” or “Open in New Window.”) Alternatively, use the history pane of the browser (You can usually access this by pressing “Ctrl-h.”) to review the sites.
  3. Once you have finished finding and recording your facts, take the chart Mr. Scott gave you, go to this web site, and follow the lesson on narrowing search results using Google’s Advanced Search.
  4. Finally, take one of your facts and use the NETS process to narrow your search results. Record your search terms and the results at the bottom of the chart Mr. Scott gave you. (You might not complete this today. If not, you’ll finish this next week in the library as we do research there.)