Timed Writing and Presentations

Second and sixth periods had an abrupt change of plans: I decided last-minute to go…

December 08, 2010


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Mr. Scott

Second and sixth periods had an abrupt change of plans: I decided last-minute to go over timed writing skills to complement last night’s homework. It was about poetry, so it kept us on target, but I felt we should take the time to deal with the important question of preparing and writing a timed question while the topic was still fresh in everyone’s mind. A minor, important detour.

Fourth period continued with presentations. We also had our first sonnet recitation. The young lady did a wonderful job.

  • Second and sixth periods:
    • read page 620 (about figurative language) and be prepared for a quiz tomorrow;
    • make a checklist of the steps we took in class to prepare an answer to the question.
  • Fourth period: continue working on the midterm study guide.