
All classes — first, second, fourth, and sixth periods — are working on poetry right…

November 29, 2010


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Mr. Scott

All classes — first, second, fourth, and sixth periods — are working on poetry right now. Fourth period is finishing up a short unit on poetry by doing group teaching, which will begin on Wednesday. First, second, and sixth periods began the poetry unit today (though we’ll take a break from poetry during second and sixth periods tomorrow to do presentations as needed).

  • First period: take the divisions of the Billy Collins poem and apply them to the reading of poetry itself. What would it mean to read a poem like Collins’ metaphors describe?
  • Second and sixth periods: write a summary of what’s happening in the first four lines of “Because You Asked.”
  • Fourth period:
    • continue writing sonnet (due Monday);
    • continue memorizing for recital;
    • continue planning group teaching.