A Perfect Record

Sometimes it’s hard to bat close to a thousand. I’ve updated this site daily for…

October 27, 2010


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Mr. Scott

Sometimes it’s hard to bat close to a thousand. I’ve updated this site daily for so long that it’s a habit which follows me home. I arrive home and think, “Oh my, I forgot to update.” And while the temptation to skip a day is strong, a nearly overwhelming urge forces me to sit down and recount the day — and keep up the almost-perfect record.

First period evaluated and revised their literacy memoir. It’s the first of many self-assessments. I’d planned to bring them all home and get started evaluating them myself — and I promptly forgot them. So, note to first period: don’t ask if I graded the papers. I was absentminded.

Second and sixth periods are getting ready for a final draft.

Fourth period went over Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy as an introduction to infinitive phrases and as a practice for the approaching study of Romeo and Juliet.


None. (“Really?! Two days in a row?” asks fourth period…)