Second Drafts, Proofreading, and Gerunds

First period went over proofreading for the literacy memoir. We also completed the rubric (at…

October 25, 2010


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Mr. Scott

First period went over proofreading for the literacy memoir. We also completed the rubric (at least the extremities).

4 1
Voice Writer uses the formal voice. There is no slang and very few informal words. Repeated use of slang (five or more examples)
Clarity of Topic The memoir is about one topic/memory; it stays on topic the whole time. The memoir goes back and forth between multiple topics. No clear memory/topic visible.`
Sensory Details The memoir is rich with sensory details. Includes details from four out of the five senses. Little or no sensory detail.
Specific Nouns Provides at least four specific nouns. Provides no specific nouns. Everything is general.
Spelling and Punctuation No more than three spelling or punctuation errors. Six or more spelling/punctuation errors
Student’s Choice

The final draft is due Wednesday. Students who will be word processing their need to download the appropriate template.

Second and sixth periods went over the first draft to see how focused the sneeze (first draft) was. We began planning for a second draft.

Fourth period went over gerunds and spent a final day with the project.

  • First period: final draft of memoir due Wednesday.
  • Second period:
    • study for vocab test (Friday);
    • finish “What happened” portion of planning.
  • Fourth period: use the following gerund phrases in two sentences each. In one sentence, use the phrase as a subject; in the other sentence, use the phrase as an object.
    1. getting up in the morning
    2. arguing among themselves
    3. refusing any help with the job
    4. sharpening my pencil
    5. listening to Scott Joplin’s ragtime music
  • Sixth period: study for vocab test (Friday).