Note to Fourth Period

You’re looking for the homework assignment. “Oh my goodness!” you’re thinking. “I can’t find it!”…

October 21, 2010


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Mr. Scott

You’re looking for the homework assignment.

“Oh my goodness!” you’re thinking. “I can’t find it!”

Panic is setting in. Worry.

“It’s nine o’clock, and I still can’t find it!” The fear is probably evident in your voice.

Relax. Remember what I said at the beginning of the year? It’s only a few times a year that I don’t update this website with links to homework and such. It is now 9:21. I’ve just arrived home. Do you really think getting your homework ready (when it’s only additional practice of something you more or less grasp) is a high priority for me right now? Do you really think I’m so hung up on the “You will have homework every night” notion that I will get all of that ready for you right now?

I’m tired; you’re tired. So enjoy your night off. (Then again, you have a major project due Monday Tuesday, so I guess it’s not much of a night off.)

See you tomorrow.