Test and Review

First period finally had their parts of speech test. I’ll be grading them over the…

September 10, 2010


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Mr. Scott

First period finally had their parts of speech test. I’ll be grading them over the weekend.

Second period did a up-out-of-the-seat-moving-around review of the parts of speech we’ve had thus far. It’s Friday — who wants to sit still Friday?

Fourth period went over the homework. Unfortunately, some of the sites students selected for their examples of bias were blocked by the GCS internet filter, so it was a little frustrating for us all.

Sixth period had a heart-to-heart, a class meeting. We needed to air some concerns before things became bad.

  • First period: none.
  • Fourth period: go back to articles from Diigo and post comments explaining the given article’s bias.
  • Second and sixth periods:
    • prepare for test next week on the parts of speech;
    • begin planning for the optional extra credit work (optional, obvoiusly).