Today’s Prompt

You answer a knock at the door and find a delivery guy holding a package…

September 08, 2010


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Mr. Scott

You answer a knock at the door and find a delivery guy holding a package for you. You open it up to find … what? Describe the best package you can imagine receiving.

What could i possibly want that would fit in a box? I want my daughter to grow into a self-assured? woman. I want my wife always to smile when she thinks of me. I want my parents to stay healthy and active for many, many more years. I want my students to leave my class with skills and knowledge that will serve them for a lifetime.

How could I put these things into a box? Perhaps the box contains a photo album recording my daughter’s successes, my wife’s smile under gray hair, my parents standing with my daughter after graduation, my students holding college diplomas — a peek into the future that’s a reflection of the past.