Bias, Verbs, and Conclusions

Image via Wikipedia First period finished up the parts of speech today. We’ll be having…

September 08, 2010


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Mr. Scott
taken by ?????:Hmbr
Image via Wikipedia

First period finished up the parts of speech today. We’ll be having a test Friday. (It was scheduled for tomorrow, but we’ll be MAP testing tomorrow.)

Second and sixth finished up verbs. Just a little more work and we’ll be done with the parts of speech review.

Fourth period looked at a few newspaper articles to see how bias can sneak in (and sometimes enter blatantly).

  • First period: study for the parts of speech test.
  • Fourth period:
    • join;
    • join my Diigo group;
    • find three examples of bias in editorials/opinion pieces from major newspapers;
    • bookmark them on the Diigo group (see above) and be ready to present/explain your findings tomorrow.
  • Second and sixth periods: find articles for extra credit project.
First period: study for the parts of speech test.